Writing Friend

2590 kr.

This specially formatted writer’s notebook is the ultimate companion for creative writing. Track plot development, character profiling and worldbuilding with these custom layouts.

Powerful storytelling relies on a writer’s ability to immerse the reader in the world of their characters. This notebook becomes your way to maintain a seamless grasp on each facet of the world you are creating, how a character acts and reacts, and develop strong, seamless plot lines. 

Each notebook contains layouts for:

Writer’s Summary
Key details, synopsis, character and setting overview.

Plot out a visual timeline of events.

Master Plot
A detailed outline of character developments, actions, conflicts, story arcs and chapter intentions.

Worldbuilding / Physical
Dot Grid layouts in which to flesh out elements such as the ecology, geology, architecture and geography of your story.

Worldbuilding / Cultural
Double Line layouts to record political, cultural and historical canon for your story.

Relationship Tree
A chart detailing interconnections of the characters in your story.

Character Profiles
A record of the physical and archetypal attributes of up to 12 x key characters.

Scene Setting
Build out the elements of  up to 7 x key settings in which your story takes place, such as their physical characteristics and thematic significance.

We recommend combining your Writer’s Friend in a refillable notebook folio alongside some dot grid notebooks for the perfect author’s pocket collection.

If developing a unique language or dialect for your story, we recommend adding a Learning Friend to your set where you can record terms, meanings and usages.

A5 148 x 210 mm

48 bls

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300gsm kápa í litnum Neptune Blue

100gsm FCS vottaður pappír

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